Neponset Fish Passage and Habitat Restoration Project
This project was initiated to examine the feasibility of restoring fish passage, aquatic habitat and riparian habitat on the downstream reach of the Neponset River in Milton and Boston,...

Stochastic and Deterministic Origins of Aquatic and Riparian Habitats
Development of aquatic and riparian habitats involves interactions among large numbers of climatic, geomorphic, hydrologic, and vegetative processes over time. A major component of these...

Effects of Watershed Development and Management on Aquatic Ecosystems
This proceedings, Effects of Watershed Development and Management on Aquatic Ecosystems, comprises papers presented at the Engineering Foundation...

Taking in the River
As dams across the country age, so do their intake gates, and testing them requires dewatering. To meet the challenge of dewatering these structures without upsetting sensitive aquatic...

Water for a Changing Global Community
This six-volume collection contains the papers presented at the 27th Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Research on Water for a Changing Global Community. The Proceedings...

Waterpower '97
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Waterpower '97 specialty conference. This international conference on hydropower was held in Atlanta, Georgia, August...

Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics
Protecting the Aquatic Habitat
This proceedings, Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics: Protecting the Aquatic Environment, contains papers presented at the 27th Congress...

An Evaluation of Drainage Conditions in the San Joaquin Valley
The discovery of deformities and deaths of aquatic birds at Kesterson Reservoir in 1983 substantially altered the perception of agricultural subsurface drainage water threats in the San...

Non-Growing Season Water Budgets for a Shortgrass Steppe
The seasonal characteristics of water inputs and outputs during the non growing seasons (October through May) of 1986 to 1992 in a shortgrass steppe are presented in this paper. About...

Environmental Planning for Water Resources Development, Cuatro Cienegas Region, Coahuila, Mexico
In 1983, biological experts met at the 16th Conference on Desert Fishes at the University of Arizona. They concluded that the Cuatro Ci?negas region of Coahuila, Mexico was one of the...

Picacho Reservoir Enhancement Study for Water Recharge, Reparian Enhancement, and Water-Based Recreation Purposes
This study was conducted for the Pinal County Department of Civil Works in Florence, Arizona. It investigated the feasibility of a major enhancement and expansion of Picacho Reservoir,...

Overview of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels Research Program
The objective of the Flood Control Channels Research Program, currently being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, is to develop design guidance and systematic...

Impacts of Reservoir Sedimentation on Decommissioning of Dams
A large number of dams in the United States of America and elsewhere are reaching the limits of their design lives. Owners, agencies and environmentalists are either considering or demanding...

Vulnerability of Water Resources to Global Climate Change in the Agricultural Midwest- Ecological, Economic, and Regulatory Aspects
As climate changes, so will water resources. General climate change will alter the distribution of hydrometeorological events and will affect water use, in turn resulting in further alterations...

Quail Creek: A Case Study of Restoration Using Native Materials
Quail Creek, a stream in northern Baltimore County, Maryland, was restored in 1990 using the approach developed by Rosgen to diagnose the problems, and determine the parameters for stable...

Design Guidance?Instream and Bank Restoration Structures
Despite an urgent need for river and stream restoration design criteria, little guidance has emerged in recent years. Existing guidance is largely unsatisfactory, promoting empiricism...

The Watershed Approach: A Framework for Action
This paper describes and promotes a workable framework for watershed management as an effective means to address the nation's remaining water resource problems, with the ulthnte...

Modeling Combined Stresses on Aquatic Ecosystems
A mechanistic ecosystem response model is being developed by incorporating exposure/response relationships for selected natural and anthropogenic stresses into an existing hydrodynamic...

North American Water and Environment Congress & Destructive Water
This proceedings contains papers presented at the North American Water and Environment Congress '96 of the ASCE's Environmental Engineering Division, Water Resources...

Tailwater Fishery Management Using a Fish Bioenergetics Model
Water releases from TVA reservoirs exert great influence on downstream water quality. Analytical tools to quantify biological response to altered environmental conditions, such as dissolved...





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